High Scores

Rank Name Rust Files Score
1 github.com/redox-os/kernel 173 100.00
2 github.com/w3f/polkadot 65 100.00
3 github.com/hyperledger/sawtooth-core 88 100.00
4 github.com/gbaranski/houseflow 94 100.00
5 github.com/tauri-apps/tauri 173 100.00
6 github.com/filecoin-project/rust-fil-proofs 198 100.00
7 github.com/darkrenaissance/darkfi 91 100.00
8 github.com/Pr47/Pr47 68 100.00
9 gitlab.com/bit-refined/ranges 50 100.00
10 github.com/BobAnkh/THUBurrow 52 100.00
11 github.com/tokio-rs/tokio 548 100.00
12 github.com/tiby312/broccoli 66 100.00
13 github.com/clap-rs/clap 366 100.00
14 github.com/aws/s2n-quic 486 100.00
15 github.com/sharkdp/bat 54 100.00
16 github.com/actix/actix-extras 66 100.00
17 github.com/lapce/lapce 106 100.00
18 github.com/gyscos/cursive 164 100.00
19 github.com/viz-rs/viz 101 100.00
20 github.com/ashakoor/rustgie 98 100.00
21 github.com/mmtk/mmtk-core 208 100.00
22 github.com/taiki-e/pin-project 160 100.00
23 github.com/kcarretto/realm 68 100.00
24 github.com/web-infra-dev/oxc 289 100.00
25 github.com/burntsushi/ripgrep 83 100.00
26 github.com/spacedriveapp/spacedrive 229 100.00
27 github.com/lsd-rs/lsd 52 100.00
28 github.com/serial-ata/lofty-rs 200 100.00
29 github.com/surrealdb/surrealdb 1004 100.00
30 github.com/alacritty/alacritty 83 100.00
31 github.com/kpcyrd/sn0int 175 100.00
32 github.com/spellshift/realm 97 100.00
33 github.com/kpcyrd/sh4d0wup 69 100.00
34 github.com/evilsocket/legba 75 100.00
35 github.com/charted-dev/charted 160 100.00
36 github.hscsec.cn/sevenautumns/niketsu 78 100.00
37 github.com/sancane/rustun 64 100.00
38 github.com/open-telemetry/weaver 105 100.00
39 github.com/xiph/rav1e 140 100.00
40 github.com/crossbeam-rs/crossbeam 114 100.00
41 github.com/kaist-cp/memento 105 100.00
42 github.com/kaist-cp/smr-benchmark 50 100.00
43 github.com/purpl-sectr/api 55 100.00
44 github.com/mrsumanbiswas/rustlings-solution 94 100.00
45 github.com/tensorflow/rust 91 100.00
46 github.com/rust-lang/rust 29722 100.00
47 github.com/sevenautumns/niketsu 78 100.00
48 github.com/f1-tech/api 55 100.00
49 github.com/basvanwesting/genetic-algorithm 113 100.00
50 github.com/rustdesk/rustdesk 229 100.00

Reports generated for 644 unique repos so far. Only repos with >= 50 files are considered for the high score list.